The busy downtown area has a number of stores and three theaters. All of the stores are lighted. The theaters have added lighting in and under the marquees. One theatre has a flickering light inside to simulate a movie being shown. PCC and Brill street cars (trolleys) serve the downtown area.
The Christmas season always brings crowds of shoppers downtown. The stores have been decorated inside and out for the holidays.
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One street includes Elsie's Restaurant. Everyone goes there for a good meal! And next door is the Polar Bear Frozen Custard Store with a polar bear statue on the roof! The interior of the store has a counter, ice cream mixers, and customers waiting to be served.
Visit "Around Town in the '50s"
The Elementary School is just up the street. It's a nice day and there are a lot of children on the playground.
Several of the structures are kits that I modified and repainted. Awnings, lights, signs, rooftop details, etc. were also added. Background sound includes all the typical downtown sounds.
The downtown area. U.S. Army train passes in the foreground.
All of the structures in the downtown area are lighted. Some buildings have lighted rooftop billboards. There are lighted street lamps, a lighted traffic signal at the intersection, and pigeons on the rooftops. Plus, there are airplanes, helicopters, and a Good Year blimp in the sky!
American Picture Palaces
Memories of the Great Movie Theaters
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PCC street car takes happy shoppers downtown.
The story and photos of Along the Highway Scene and more!
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Updated 1/11/2017
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Washington, D.C.
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