Some of the comments I've received from visitors the world over about my railroad and my website.
"I admire anyone with your kind of patience and attention to detail, on your layout as well as your web site. Monumental comes to mind."--Tom (5/01)
"I never saw so much detail in N scale that is so well done! You must be a perfectionist (with great eyesight)!"
--Joe R. (4/01)
"What a layout! I am impressed! I can't imagine the time it took you to complete something that huge and intricate."--Hank
"Wow! Don't know what else to say! Wow!"
--Tim (Atmore, Alabama)
"This is a very nice homepage! Keep it up!"--Robert Sand (Finland, 5/2000)
"Bill's Railroad Empire Website a.k.a. everything but the kitchen sink!"--Fred Miller (Australia)
"Your railroad page is great."--David Donnelly (Tucson, AZ, 8/2000)
"Nice site! I love these railroad sites, because they usually have more pictures than a magazine article, and yours is well outfitted."--Robert Ray (Fremont, CA, 1/2000)
"Your railroad looks very good."--Volker Franke (Denmark, 1/2000)
"Your site is executed extremely well. I found many useful ideas for our month old train layout. Keep up the great work on your trains and your site!"--Wolfangel (NJ, 1/01)
"Great layout and great website!"--Ron (5/01)
"Your site keeps getting better and better all the time."--Charlie (6/01)
"What a fantastic layout! Bet a lot of time and work went into that. Great website, too."--Pete Stapleton (Prior Lake, MN, 12/2000)
"A very interesting site."--Keith Pickering (England, 2/99)
"It is great to see what you have done with your N scale. Keep up the great work!"-- Peter Postel (Manalapan, NJ)
"Very good and interesting home page."--Christophe Beuret (Les Geneveys-sur-Coffrane, Switzerland, 7/99)
"Great detail. Looks good and reflects a lot of work."--John Quinn (Northridge, CA, 7/99)
"Beautiful work. Especially the animation. Your efforts encourage people to keep moving forward."--Paul Ristuccia (Euless, TX, 12/2000)
"Great site."--Gary (Waterbury, CT, 4/2000)
"You have a marvelous model train site!"--Anthony Wright (Ottawa, Canada)
"I enjoyed the photos and the website. Keep up the good work!"--Andrew Cook (7/99)
"Excellent! Very well done. The layout looks like a lot of fun, and the production on the web site is fantastic! Kudos! Mega dittos!"--Dave in Kansas (4/2000)
"...Your website needs a lot more work before I would consider it worth the time to visit."--Tom R. (Arizona, 9/99)
"Great webpage. Loads fast, professional!"--Andy B. (7/99)
"I always enjoy visiting your page. A lot of work goes into that site!"--Tom (3/2000)
"I can see you have put a lot of work into your layout and a lot of work into your website, too. I will be sure to come back again."--Dave Inman (7/99)
"I am impressed with the detail you have put into your layout"--Robin Matthysen (7/99)
"Great layout! I really enjoyed your ballasting tutorial. Will be trying it out soon."--John E. Stevenson (Kingman, AZ, 8/2000)
"Man, have you go a lot of scenery packed into your layout! Interesting site."--John G. Adney (6/99)
"Enjoyed seeing what you have done in the world of model railroading. Keep up the good work."--John Stephens (Spring Valley, CA, 8/99)
"Your site is great!! You have put a lot of thought and heart into it. Keep up the good work!"--Bill Sack
(San Jose, CA, 9/01)
"Really great! Congratulations."--Paulo Cesar Bonaldo (Brazil, 6/99)
"Neat trains. Especially the Marx. Thanks for the web pleasure."--David Wecker (5/99)
"The carnival is super!"--Art Fahie (12/99)
"That's some level of detail! It must have taken years to do."--Jim (2/2000)
"I've seen your website on several occasions and it is quite a show."--John (10/99)
"Your page is well done."--Craig Zeni (3/2000)
"Wow! I'm very impressed."--Don Hoffmann (Cincinnati, OH, 8/99)
"Encouraging for us amateurs."--Knutsen (Oslo, Norway, 2/2000)
"Great site. Love the photos."--Dan Alexander (Kannapolis, NC, 1/2000)
"Nice website! I can appreciate your patience in N gauge."--Marvin Lester (Crofton, 2/2000)
"Love your site!"--Bob Schroeder (Silver Spring, MD, 10/99)
"Awesome, awesome, awesome! That's all I can say."--Fred Horvath (Highlands Ranch, TX, 8/2000)
"Great site."--David Reade (Texas, 5/2000)
"Very interesting web site. I look forward to visiting it again as it evolves."--Charlie Wellander (Washington, DC, 9/99)
"Enjoyed seeing the web site and what you have done with the trains."--Pete, BLW (NJ, 10/99)
"You put a lot of work into both the layout and the website. Congratulations!"--Gayle (North Beach, MD, 6/99)
"Enjoyed your home page a great deal. Your layout is fantastic! Modeling in such a small scale must be quite a feat!"--BeaHappy (Oxon Hill, MD, 6/99)
"Congratulations on your layout."--Johann Sturm (Vienna, Austria, 7/99)
"Fabulous site and layout. Obviously a labor of love! I liked the Good Year blimp!"--Tom (2/2000)
"Nice page. I like your layout."--Johnathan Edwards (Grand Rapids, MI, 6/99)
"Brilliant!"--Nigel (York, England)
"Couldn't resist the temptation of admiring your web pages again. Keep up the awesome work on your layout."--Fred (8/2000)
"Great layout. I love seeing such wonderful handiwork."--Francis W. Rupp, Sr. (Chicago, IL, 5/2000)
"Awesome layout."--Saltyjack (7/99)
"Your site is certanly an enjoyable one. So much detail in your urban areas and specialities."--Dave (Abbotsford, BC, Canada, 9/2000)
"Nice website. I bookmarked it (one of my favorites). I will try your ballasting and track painting tips on my new HO layout."--Geraldo Sampaio (São Paulo, Brazil, 6/2001)
"Your site is really cool. I have never seen so much detail in a train layout."--Paul L. Stauffer, Jr. (Boyertown, PA, 2/01)
"Fantastic layout."--Mal James (Sunshine Coast, Queensland, Australia, 3/01)
"Thanks for the info."--Robert Lee (Wolverhampton, England, 6/01)
"Thanks for the ballasting tips. I have an HO empire to conquer."--Scotty B. (Indianapolis, IN, 1/01)
"You are providing a great service to all of us interested in railroading."--Robin (Canada, 9/01)
"Bill, I really like your web page, especially the tutorials. Thanks for all the work you have put into it."--Jack Leonard (Ottawa, Canada, 10/01)
"You have a wonderful web site. Terrific and very creative, indeed! I am impressed!"--Felix Bongers (Australia, 11/01)
"What a great layout! Your web site is also great and very easy to get around!"--Chuck (Putnam County, NY, 12/01)
"I'm quite impressed at how your website has grown and the excellent resources you've put together for N scale."--Thor (12/01)
"Great ideas, nice site and layout!"
--Joergen (Denmark, 2/02)
"Your site is well done and chock full of interesting things!"--Larry (Richmond, VA, 2/02)
"Great job!"--James Powell (Ohio, 2/02)
"I'm impressed!"--Charles Wilber (3/02)
"You have quite the empire going there!"
--Bill Corelane (Virginia, 4/02)
"I just had the pleasure of viewing your fine layout. There isn't a square inch where something isn't happening. You have created a wonder world full of detail which I know you are proud of."--Vince, Rock River Railroad (6/02)
"Bill, that's an excellent site you have!"--Nightbus (7/02)
"Just wanted you to know I really like your site. Looks like you put an awful lot of work into it. I'm going to save it in a favorites folder. Keep up the great work!"--Sue (7/02)
"Anyone that can make a web site like you did using the WebTV Editor is to be commended!"--Margie (8/02)
"I am constantly amazed at the wealth of really good online info that Bill (Bill's Railroad Empire) is consistently providing."--Robert Marshall (8/16/02)
"Your site is a source of help and inspiration."--Bruce West (9/02)
"Your layout is like one big WOW!"--Jukin' Geo (9/02)
"Your site is a wealth of information."--Joe (10/02)
"Thank you for allowing me my trip down memory lane."--Frank Leslie (10/02)
"Your site is fantastic!"--Trisha (10/02)
"You always impress me, Bill!"--Alexandre D. (Montreal, Canada, 11/02)
"You have an empire to be proud of!"--Peter (UK, 12/02)
"A truly great site. I really enjoyed browsing through all your pages and slide shows. Keep up the good work. You are an example for all Rail Modellers to follow."--Terry (Manchester, England, 12/02)
"Your railroad is #1 in my favorites!"--Dave W. (Jackson, NJ, 1/03)
"Loved the History of N Scale section."--Harvey Henkelman (Tampa, FL, 1/03)
"Your website is very interesting. You put some time into it. The photos are great."--Greg Anderson (Ottumwa, IA, 1/03)
"Thanks for the ideas and hints!"--John D. (Toledo, OH, 1/03)
"You have a great site with lots of information!"--Alex (2/03)
"A very good and thorough site."--Alfred (Isle of Wight, England, 3/03)
"The Auto-Train pictures brought back some fond memories."--Jose E. Gonzales (Corpus Christi, TX, 4/03)
"Great website!"--Pedro L. Brooks (Chicago, IL, 5/03)
"I'm truly impressed by your layout!"--Paul (Michigan, 5/03)
"Your site is just great!"--James (5/03)
"That's an impressive web page you have!"--Jason (5/03)
"Always a pleasure to visit your excellent website. Keep up the great work."--Jim Cullen (Martinsburg, WV, 5/03)
"Your website is great!"--Jon (6/03)
"You have a very nice website."--Glenn (6/03)
You have a great website and layout."--Tony (6/03)
"Nice site!"--Dan Nowicki (Toledo, OH, 6/03)
"I am amazed at all the information on your site."--Kim (7/03)
"I thouroughly enjoyed my time on your site."--Thomas Jaeger (Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario, Canada, 7/03)
"Thanks a lot for all the goodies on your website. I go there at least three times a week."--Phil (8/03)
"Wow! What a website you have!"--Mike Hanich (9/03)
"I like all you have on your website. Lots of good stuff!"--Mike Clark (9/03)
"Fantastic website! It has to be the standard against which all others would be measured."--Ira (9/03)
"A job to be proud of!"--Bob (10/03)
"That's a nice set of pages and a nice layout."--Jim (10/03)
"You've got the best N scale site going!"--Thor (11/03)
"Fantastic website..."--Alan (11/03)
"Great set of pages!"--Cookie (11/03)
"Great site! Keep up the good work."--Chris (11/03)
"Thanks for the history and hints."--Bob (11/03)
"I thoroughly enjoyed your site, you've done an awesome job on it!"--Casey (12/03)
"This is a very good site. The designer should keep it up."--Seyi F. (12/03)
"You are full of information. Thank you for sharing."--Georgia (1/04)
"Excellent site, very enjoyable."--George (2/04)
"Wonderful layout."--Steve (2/04)
"Enjoyed your site."--John (2/04)
"Your layout and pictures are awesome!"--Rami (2/04)
"Great set of pages and like the way arranged, keeps one looking for more."--Lee Cook (2/04)
"Excellent!"--Brian aka Sir Victor (2/04)
"I really like your layout. Keep up the good work!"--Lachlan (3/04)
"Great site, You have given me loads of ideas for future railroads. Thanks for sharing your hobby with me."--Paul (4/04)
"Very Nice Site..."--Sunshine (5/04)
"I enjoyed looking at your 'N' Scale layouts...Yours looks great!"--Moira (6/04)
"Thanks for all your hard work here. I Used your site to research the Freedom train..."--Glen (6/04)
"I've yet to find a more absorbing set of pages."--Ted (New Zealand, 8/04)
"I've yet to find a more abosrbing set of pages."--Ted K. (8/04)
"It was your website that got me thinking of playing with US outline. You have put a lot of work in and I learned a lot, thanks."--Mike (UK, 9/04)
"I never cease to be amazed at the depth and breadth of the research and vendor sites you have squirreled away. Thanks for leading us to these sites."--Jim (10/04)
"Love your site."--Alec (10/04)
"I enjoyed your web site!"--Alfonso (10/04)
"Nice site."--Joe (11/04)
"Nice site you have."--D. Pierce (11/04)
"What a beautiful railroad!"--Antonio (Brazil, 11/04)
"You have a super site."--Mike (11/04)
"Look forward to seeing more of your site."--Jeff (11/04)
"Nice job! Looks great!"--Don (11/04)
"I enjoyed your site."--Mike (11/04)
"Your web page on Night Lights was exactly what I was looking for... Thanks for the help!"--David W. (11/04)
"I love your web site and your book listings."--Matt (11/04)
"You have a great website. Like the link listing."--John (11/04)
"Love your layout.--Jeffery (11/04)
"What a great website. I love it and found it helpful and enjoyable."--Jim (12/04)
"I was delighted to find your website. Thanks for all your help."--Mark (12/04)
"Thank you for all your help."--Alan (12/04)
"I am still in awe over your layout. Your site really inspires me."--Bill (12/04)
"The set of tutorials is very helpful."--Ed (1/05)
"Nice layout. Keep up the good work!"--Bob (2/05)
"I was surprised (and pleased) to see such a simple solution to structure lighting."--Max (2/05)
"Thanks for the great memories."--Robert (2/05)
"Great Site!"--Dave (3/05)
"You have quite an impressive web site."--Robin (3/05)
"Excellent stuff--a wealth of information. Your site gave me valuable ideas."--Tony (3/05)
"I have always enjoyed visiting your site. You have showed me a lot of new ways to enjoy model trains."--Tom (3/05)
"I must admit I enjoyed your site. Plus all the tips and helpful links."--Rob (3/05)
"I never cease to be amazed at the knowledge and resource links you have."--Jim (3/06)
"Checked out your Railroad Empire site looking for the haunted house and got caught up in the whole layout. That is really incredible. So much fine, realistic detail everywhere -it's a joy to look at. I only hope someday I could do something of that skill level. Eventually explored further and found the haunted house (spooky!) and the Halloween website." --Visitor (3/06)
"I never cease to be amazed about the knowledge and resource links you have, literally, at your fingertips. The links you come up with, so quickly, are always on point. Thank you for the time and effort you put in providing all of us with information."--Visitor (3/06)
Really incredible! So much fine, realistic detail everywhere--it's a joy to look at."--Brad (3/06)
"A lot of good information."--Old Sailor (12/06)
"The most complete collection of model train information maintained by an individual."--Robert (12/06)
"Thanks for some great information!"--Ryan (1/07)
"I realy like your page."--Charles (1/07)
"Good job on your layout."--James S. (1/07)
"A most entertaining layout."--Robert C. (7/07)
"Very interesting!"--Ralph (8/07)
BILL'S RAILROAD EMPIRE Selected as Site of the Week by September 2007 Thanks! |
BILL'S RAILROAD EMPIRE Selected as Best Model Railroad Site by February 2002 Thanks Charlie! |
BILL'S RAILROAD EMPIRE Selected as Site of the Month by October 2001 Thanks Kathy! |
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Thanks for the award, Sue!
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Thanks for the award, Taz!
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Thanks for the award, Margie!
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Thanks for the awards, Robin!
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Thanks for the award, Margie!
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Thanks for the award, Brian (aka Sir Victor)!
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Thanks for the award, Norbert!
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Thanks for the award, Casey!
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Thanks for the award, David!
BILL'S RAILROAD EMPIRE Rated as One of the Top Ten Model Railroad Resources by February 2003 |
BILL'S RAILROAD EMPIRE Selected as Site of the Month by September 2001 Thanks Steve! |
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Updated 1/11/2017
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